
  • One Meal a Day For The Planet
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  • The League of Education Voters
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Washington State Charter Schools

I developed the original brand for Washington State Charter Schools (or WA Charters) at its inception in 2012. Working with the League of Education Voters — who were instrumental in the creation of the organization — we created a dynamic brand and website that helped launch the statewide charter school initiative. Our goal was to communicate the organizations’ position as a trusted information resource who is leading education innovation in Washington State, thinking outside the box and striving to improve learning outcomes for all kids.

  • The brand identity represents thinking that is not only going outside the box, but breaking open the box in order to take bold action on behalf of kids. Small scale and social media versions round out the full system.

  • Washington State Charter Schools website

  • The brand toolkit utilizes intersecting rectangular shapes that play off the geometry of the logo. These shapes appear with photography as transparent overlays containing bold, dynamic headlines. A color palette of Northwest blues and greens is balanced with warm gold tones to create a pleasing harmony.

  • As part of the brand toolkit, a library of images was developed for future use. The images feature a brand color treatment that turns all but the featured children to monochrome, communicating that charter schools are focused entirely on kids.

  • The WA Charters brand guideline ensures consistent implementation of the identity and brand toolkit.